Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The More Than Hundred Years' War

In my search for facts about history I came across a fact that is somewhat trivial but was somewhat surprising to me. The medieval war commonly called The Hundred Years' War lasted from 1337 to 1453 and was fought between England and France.

The war is famous for lasting a long time and by the fact that neither side gained any territory from the decades of bloodshed. Another well known fact about the war is the peasant girl named Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc was famous for having claimed she had vision of God telling her to it was her divine right to guide France to victory. She was then captured and burned at the stake in 1431 by the English.

When you look at the timeline of the war something is strange: the war lasted 116 years. It would be interesting to know who decided that the title the Hundred Years' War had a better ring to it than the Hundred and Sixteen Years' War.

P.S. I am aware this is a silly fact, but it is not a silly as calling war that lasted a 116 years the Hundred Years' War.

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