Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mussolini's Train Schedule

If you are not familiar with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, I'll give you a short introduction.

Born born on July 29Th 1883, Mussolini came to power in 1922 and assumed absolute power in Italy. He was the first fascist leader of the 20th century and other tyrants followed his model.

Among the characteristics of his rule were: a secret police force to torture or kill opposition, massive censorship, suspension of civil liberties, and persecution of Jews.

His foreign policy accomplishments include:

Invading and dropping poison gas on Ethiopia. He then executed tens of thousands of Ethiopians.

Conquering Albania and Libya in an attempt to reestablish the Roman Empire.

Supporting fellow fascist Francisco Franco in his mission to overthrow Spanish democracy in the Spanish Civil War.

Despite this there has always been one myth about his regime; he made the trains run on time. People probably mention this is a semi humorous fashion as a take off of the cliche that everyone has some good in them. "He may be a viscous dictator, but hey, he made the trains run on time!" They may also use it to demonize a politician they hate. " Man that so-and-so is an idiot; at least Mussolini made the trains run on time!"

The only problem with this belief is that it isn't true. The railroad system was repaired from its poor state in World War I before Mussolini came to power. This myth seems to have grown out of propaganda about the efficiency of the Fascist political system.

They say everybody has some good in them, but I can't find any in Il Duce.

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