Saturday, July 3, 2010

Albert Einstein: Genius and Ladies Man

Everyone is familiar with Albert Einstein. His groundbreaking work in physics has made his name synonymous with intelligence and wisdom.

I would love to explain his scientific breakthroughs in detail, however my feeble mind does not fully comprehend them. For those who want to read about the The Special and General Theory of Relativity be my guest. Maybe you can explain it to me.

One aspect about Albert Einstein which is not familiar to everyone is his rampant infidelity. One usually does not think of phsycists as men who are players, yet:

A series of 1,300 letters written by the physicist were published for the first time
yesterday. They are part of a batch of 3,500 bequeathed to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He was reputed to have been a charmer who bewitched Marilyn Monroe, and had 10 lovers outside of two marriages. These letters, kept by Margot, and released two decades after her death on 8 July 1986 on her instruction, illuminate how Einstein spent little time at home, instead lecturing in Europe and the US, but wrote about his amorous adventures to his family.

In the letters, the professor describes six women whom he romanced and spent time sailing, reading, and attending concerts with, while being married to Elsa. Some of the women identified by Einstein include Estella, Ethel, Toni, and his famous "Russian spy lover", Margarita, while others are referred to simply by their initials, such as M and L.

Now I know why women say "all men are pigs."

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